Professional Mould Removal Service Excellence in Melbourne

Professional Mould Removal Melbourne

Mould in a property is a very dangerous situation that can lead to health concerns and can cause significant damage to your home or business.  The problem is, it spreads fast and if not contained and its removal managed effectively, it can quickly become a huge and costly nuisance to remove.  

To understand how to manage and remove mould you need to have experience and knowledge. At Capital we have both. We have been in the Professional Mould Removal Melbourne sector for around 20 years and our aim is always to do the best for our clients so that they can live and work in safe mould free environments.  

Mould Removal Quoting Experts

Recently Jerry, our Senior Mould Remediation Technician, undertook a detailed mould assessment for Areti, a client who found out about Capital Facility Services through a google search.

We are just thrilled with her feedback and recommendation as it validates the experience and credibility of our Mould Remediation team and encapsulates all that for which we strive.

Areti’s Five Star Google Mould Remediation Review

“Jerry visited our site. He took his time and gave us an honest opinion even though it meant no remediation through Capital. Worth the site visit fee, I wonder if we had used a company that offers a ‘free quote’ if they would have been so honest.”

Our Approach to Mould Removal Assessments and Quoting

We can provide our opinion on what may be required by citing any photos you send us and having a quick investigative discussion with you. However, this approach only provides an estimation of what may be needed and only when we can physically sight the damage and access it on site, can we be definitive about what is happening and what can be done to address the mould issue you have.

A site visit by one of our Senior Mould Remediation Technicians ensures we can undertake a detailed analysis to understand your specific mould issue and to then create and recommend a mould remediation solution specific to your mould issue. We can then provide you with a quote that you can review and approve if you would like to progress to mould remediation work through our company. There is no obligation.

In our quote we will outline all works required and we will highlight any other work you will need or organise to have done, before we can commence our recommended mould remediation program. Only when you approve our quote will we commence any works. If during our works we discover anything that is beyond our agreed scope, we will request a variation to our work and will seek your approval to progress. This way everyone is clear on what is being done and the associated costs. In our experience there is no need for cost escalation and misunderstandings using this approach.

Onsite Mould Remediation Assessment Costs

We charge a modest fee for our onsite assessments. This fee is charged to cover our costs to get a qualified and experienced Mould Remediation Technician to your premises. Following their investigative work our technicians will let you know what they find and how they recommend you address your mould issue. They can explain what we can do and what work you might need to have done before we can proceed with our mould removal program. You are free to ask any questions and they can provide their qualified opinions to your questions.

We do not send sales people to close deals and make sales. We send experienced Mould Removal technicians that properly investigate and access your mould issue.  Our technicians are not paid commissions for closing deals. If you deal with us, you can be confident that the Mould Remediation Technician that will access your issue, will be qualified and will have expertise in the field of Mould Removal. They have no interest in undertaking cheap quick fixes that may mask your mould issues in the short term but are not lasting solutions. Our aim is to assist you to understand and size your problem and provide a recommendation that you understand and find valuable and worth the small investment you have made for us to access your mould issue.

Mould Removal Insurance Reports

For a small fee we can also generate a report for your insurance, real-estate agent, body corporate or any other interested body that you need to manage your mould remediation issue through. We have the experience to create mould assessment reports and quotes specific for insurance and other interested bodies which can assist you with any claims.

Our fee is designed to cover some of our costs in generating a professional report with the evidence required to support your claim.

Experts in Mould Removal Melbourne

At Capital Facility Services we are proud of our tried and tested approach to Mould Removal Assessments and the Mould Remediation programs. Our formula is one that is sustainable to allow us to run a successful and ethical business that has been in business for over 10years.

If you have a mould issue, please call us on 1300 554 418 and we can discuss your needs and the best way to address your specific mould removal issue.

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